Saturday 26 May 2012

We Were Bored Today

So, today I was bored, and my daughter was starting to get a little antsy, so I sat her down, and we watched all of the videos for the Shuffle Units in Hello! Project.
For most of them she was bored and just kept staring at her dress, or looking at my computer mouse (it has red LED lights and makes her laugh)

The only PV to actually capture her attention (for at least awhile) was Shiawase Beam! SukiSuki Beam! by Happy 7. So here's the video created from boredom: Baba-pon's First Impression of Shiawase Beam! SukiSuki Beam!

When she can actually talk I'm going to ask her for her opinions on PVs I love seeing what people think for the first time, and seeing my own child's reactions, and how her mind works out these videos, I can't wait until she' older. The only thing I worry about is that I bother her so much with these videos that she hates Jpop, it would be a little upsetting.

Do any other of you Wota have kids? If so, do they like the music you like? Have they rejected it because you like it so much? Or have you not bothered them with this kind of thing?


  1. My niece is so gorgeous! Awww, she seemed more interested in the camera itself tbh XD

  2. That is so freakin' cute! I love the stage when babies' faces are so animated, 0:04 and 0:15 had me laughing so much!! =3

    I have a 19 month old who adore Tsuji Nozomi's "Mama no Uta" album and quite likes Renai Hunter, apart from that she's a huge Lmfao fan and is adamant that I play that.

    I try not to influence her incase she's likely to revolt against it. Most of my japanese music time is when she's asleep or when my phone goes off X3

    1. Mine likes LMFAO too, it seems like a lot of kids do. My baba hasn't really listened to much Japanese music, but I got bored and wanted to see if she was even remotely interested in it xD
